Immediately Following Your Treatment (First 24 To 48 Hours):

  • -  You may continue with your daily activities as normal and you will be physically fine to return to work although you obviously may not look your absolute best during the initial healing process (usually 3 to 7 days) while your new epidermis is forming DO NOT WASH YOUR TREATED AREA UNTIL THE LAST DOT HAS FALLEN OFF, in the first 24-48 hours apply sterile water on lint free cotton pads or gauze, wring the damp pads out to be almost dry, gently pat the treated area, do not rub, this will help remove any weeping which can occur during the swelling stage. Then apply colloidal silver with aloe vera.

  • -  We recommend all clients apply small amounts of Silver Colloidal Gel with Aloe Vera, up to 3 times per day, until scabs have formed and then flaked off. HOWEVER if you live in a hot humid climate dry heal after 48 hours. This gel is a powerful and natural anti-bacterial/anti-viral product where the two main active ingredients (colloidal silver and aloe vera) work in tandem to soothe inflamed skin and heal it fast. Once applied and left to dry the gel leaves a protective coating designed to act as a barrier against infection and it helps speed up skin healing. Its primary ingredients offer amazing skin protection benefits including tissue healing, anti-inflammatory properties, sun protection, improved skin metabolism, increased moisture retention and disinfectant properties. It also provides relief from possible itching and helps expedite a scar free healing process.

  • -  There may be some mild to moderate swelling to the area(s) treated, especially around the eyes and within the periorbital region (if that is where you have
    had a procedure) The degree of swelling differs person to person therefore your swelling cannot be compared to another person

  • -  Swelling and inflammation for 1 to 5 days post-treatment is normal and indeed desirable given the inflammatory response we are wanting to stimulate but this will usually be of a very minor nature and is to be expected. Swelling is mostly applicable/common to blepharoplasty treatments

  • -  Please try and avoid the use of anti-inflammatory tablets (such as Ibuprofen) and anti-histamine tablets during the short term healing process since the inflammatory and histamine response is a key part of the plasma treatment process

  • -  If possible; we recommend you take a high dose of vitamin C supplements over the course of the full skin tightening process 12 weeks as this will help give your immune system a big boost. In turn this helps you to repair by stimulating collagen production and also helps avoid post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

  • -  You may experience a “stinging” sensation in the treated area(s) immediately after treatment that will feel a little like mild sunburn. This is normal and is simply the heat exciting the skin. It generally only lasts for an hour or two

  • -  We recommend NOT exercising straight after a treatment because any heat, steam or sweat could add to the inflammation that is already present and unnecessarily moisten the skin

  • -  The area that has been treated must NOT be covered with plasters, occlusive dressing or any type of make-up, mascara, creams or any other product until the area has fully healed (outside of specific products we recommend and which should be available from your technician)

  • -  If you have received facial treatment, we recommend you sleep on your back with your head elevated to avoid brushing your face on your pillow. If you have received treatment to your eyes then it is important you sleep slightly elevated for up-to seven days as this can greatly reduce swelling

  • - It is highly unlikely you will ever get an infection from a Plasma Pen treatmentas the wound we cause is not open. However the first 12 hours post-treatment is of vital importance in protecting you from any kind of potential infection so please avoid any activities where, for example, you could expose yourself
    to contaminants. Plasma Pen Silver Colloidal Gel With Aloe Vera is, as stated, a natural anti-bacterial/anti-viral product which will help in this area.

The Following Days After Your Treatment (First 3 To 7 days):

  • -  It is normal for the area that has been treated to feel tight and dry

  • -  Tiny carbon crusts will quickly form on the treated area. These may be visible for up to a week or so but for most clients they will have formed and desquamated

    (flaked off) naturally within a matter of days. In hot humid climates this could be up to 3 weeks for the face and up to 6 weeks for the body.

  • -  Do NOT pick crusts off as this will delay the healing process and could cause scarring.

  • -  The area(s) treated may be cleansed daily with luke warm pre-boiled water and a soft, lint free cloth. You are only removing excess oil and do not need to thoroughly cleanse the treated skin. Do NOT be tempted to rub or brush the area to aid the removal of the crusts and certainly do not use exfoliating products on the area that has been treated. Pat dry with a clean tissue.

  • -  As stated, you should try to keep your scabs/crusts hydrated by applying Silver Colloidal Gel With Aloe Vera up to three times a day - but only in small amounts as the aim is to introduce the ingredients and deliver some hydration and NOT to soak or over-moisten the area as that can prevent carbon crusts forming and/or cause them to desquamate (flake off) too soon

  • -  We advise you do NOT stand with your face or body under a hot shower for the first 3 to 4 days if that is where you have had treatment. This could increase swelling and prevent the carbon crusts forming naturally. Try to avoid shower gels and hair products running onto your face as this could cause irritation and inflammation. Rinse thoroughly with pre-boiled tepid water if products do come into contact with the area(s) treated and pat dry

  • -  Outside of using Silver Colloidal Gel With Aloe Vera please do NOT apply any other lotion or creams unless your practitioner has specifically advised you to do so. Absolutely do NOT use any lotions or creams that contain perfume or alcohol. The area(s) must be kept free of oil to help the crusts form and then fall off of the skin naturally. Do NOT rub or abrade the area(s) or use exfoliating products. This could result in scarring and/or pigmentation

The Next 3 Months (After First 3 to 7 Days):

  • -  Men should avoid shaving the treated area until the last carbon crust has fallen

  • -  After treatment around the eyes, avoid wearing contact lenses until the last carbon crust falls to avoid corneal abrasion which could occur if a crust gets

    trapped between the lense and the eye

  • -  When the carbon crusts have fallen off, your skin may be a little pink as it is essentially fresh, new and rejuvenated baby skin.


  • -  Once the crusts have all fallen off you may apply your normal foundation/make-up but avoid using skin care products containing glycolic or any other

    active exfoliating ingredients as this will cause irritation

  • -  You absolutely MUST now begin to apply SPF50+ while your skin is in the healing stages (pink-in-colour), especially when you are out and about and you should continue to do so for at least 12 weeks (and ideally longer). The area(s) treated have produced brand new skin and may burn and/or pigment without adequate protection from the sun

  • -  You absolutely must NOT use saunas or sun beds during your 10-12 week healing period and ideally for longer. Avoid the midday sun

  • -  All other medic-aesthetic or surgical treatments on the same area should be avoided while your skin is healing, including Plasma Pen treatment (it is of course fine to have other areas treated)

    Other Important Aftercare Advice & Top Tips

  • -  Avoid smoking and alcohol

  • -  Taking Vitamin C supplements over the course of the healing process can give your immune system a big boost and help your skin repair. Consider the use
    of topical anti-oxidants to fight sun damage such as a stable Vitamin C serum, Vitamin A creams, tranexamic acid, kojic acid, liquorice extract, zinc oxide are all good ingredients in skincare to help prevent/lighten hyperpigmentation and prevent sun damage

  • -  Any additional treatments that may be required must only be performed once the skin is completely healed and has returned back to its normal colour. This usually takes about 12 weeks for the face and up to 4-6 months for the body

  • -  Plasma Pen treatment is the gift that keeps giving and on top of the immediate rejuvenation, lifting and tightening effects you will likely experience, it can actually take 8-12 weeks for the full effects of your treatment to be seen. You may not require further treatment once the effects of your original treatment are more determinable. A greater level of skin laxity will result in multiple treatments over time

  • -  Please note that if you do require a longer period of time between treatments then the delay will not alter the outcome/results

  • -  You must wear sunblock while healing and when working on your laptop, pc, tablet or phone unless you have blue screen protectors attached to your devices. These devices are proving to promote pigmentation within the skin and therefore a broad spectrum spf50 sunblock must be worn.

If you have any questions about after-care then please email or call us.